Dwight Radcliff, assistant provost for the William E. Pannell Center for African American Church Studies, speaks about the systems of oppression and generational trauma that plague Black communities and challenges the church to own a theology that responds rightly to suffering rather than dismissing it.
For more resources for a deeply formed spiritual life, visit Fuller.edu/Studio.
Tony Amoury Alkhoury, PhD student in practical theology, shares about his experience of growing up with anxiety and what he’s learned about living in the tension between fear and the reality of God’s presence.
For more resources for a deeply formed spiritual life, visit Fuller.edu/Studio.
Greg Cootsona, author, co-director of Science for the Church, and lecturer in religious studies and humanities at CSU Chico, discusses the relationship between faith and science and explores how a church’s approach to science shapes its work and witness.
For more resources for a deeply formed spiritual life, visit Fuller.edu/Studio.